Chula Vista Recycled – Vulcan Materials Company
General Information
Any job bringing in 1000 cy or more must be approved in advance. Please contact Dan Zeller (602) 284-0410 or Jose Pena (818) 381-3494.
They offer and prefer to do business by credit account. Their terms are Net 15 Prox.
Payment is due upon delivery for all cash sales. They do not make change. Checks are accepted.
Special arrangement must be made at least 48 hours in advance before bringing bottom dump trucks to the landfill.
All loads must be untarped, inspected, and receive a ticket prior to acceptance.
Clean Broken Asphalt (recyclable asphalt) – Asphalt with less than 3% dirt and no other contaminates. Material must be 2′ x 2′ x 2′ or smaller. No petromat.
Grindings – milled clean broken asphalt 3″ or smaller. No petromat. No dirt.
Recycle – concrete and/or asphalt with less than 10% dirt and no other contamination (may be combined). Material must be smaller than 2′ x 2′ x 2′. No petromat.
Dirt – uncontaminated dirt with less than 5% concrete or asphalt rubble, rock less than 3″ and no more than 30% rock.
Oversize – large concrete or asphalt 2.5′ in diameter or greater. These loads will have an additional charge. The charge will be determined at the time the load is accepted by the percentage of oversize material in the load and will range from $150/ld to $500/ld, which are non-negotiable.
Mixed – any combination of the acceptable materials.
Materials not acceptable for disposal at any of the Vulcan landfills are: hazardous waste, conditional exempt hazardous waste, household garbage, municipal solid waste, special waste, liquid wastes, and asbestos (in any form or asbestos containing material)