Coronado Police Department


The Coronado Police Department provides a safe location for citizens to properly dispose of unwanted, unused or expired prescription medications. Removing unwanted, unused, and expired prescription medications from homes reduces access to potentially addictive medications for accidental or intentional misuse or theft.

Citizens may anonymously place their unused prescription medications into the drop box during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm). The drop box and sharps container are located in the lobby of the police department.

Do not use the box for over-the-counter medications, or other medical supplies not requiring a prescription. These items can be disposed of as regular trash.

Prescription medications in containers or prescription bottles can be placed directly into the drop box.

Prescription medications without containers should be placed into plastic bags prior to placement in the drop box. Plastic zip lock style bags will be available to assist citizens with this process.

Any containers of liquid must be completely sealed.

Syringes should not be placed into the drop box. A sharps container will be available next to the drop box for syringe collection.



Make sure sharps are stored in a sharps container kit or in a rigid, puncture-resistant, tightly-sealed container, including: bleach bottles, liquid detergent bottles, or coffee cans with lids. Containers should be no larger than 2 liters or 1/2 gallon.

Do not put in: paper or plastic bags, glass containers, cardboard or coated paper containers, plastic bottles that have a CRV (California Redemption Value), or milk jugs.



Residents must go inside the station first to notify the front desk about the ammunition. Ammunition should be kept in the trunk until a deputy securely removes it from vehicle. Call the station’s non-emergency number for more instructions.

*Department non-emergency number: (619) 522-7350


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