Jimbo’s – Escondido (TagBack Program)
The TagBack by Bedford program is a recycling option for food packaging closures including twist ties and bread clips and scannable produce packaging like produce ties and barcode tags. Jimbo’s Natural Family have added TagBack boxes to their stores, providing consumers a convenient option for returning the packaging closures no longer needed.
“Tag: We’ll print the TagBack logo and TagBack.com on your produce tags & ties to instruct consumers how they can collect and return them.
Collect: Consumers can drop off tags and ties in TagBack collection bins at participating retailers or designated drop off locations. Growers can also collect tags and ties from consumers and send them to Bedford.”
Return: Produce tags can be mailed directly to Bedford in an envelope or small box to this address: Bedford Industries, c/o TagBack, 1659 Rowe Avenue, PO Box 39, Worthington, MN 56187 or print a return label. Other return options may be available.
Recycle: When your Bedford tags and ties are returned to our facility, we will sort and recycle through our in-house equipment. Products we recycle can be diverted into reusable materials.”