KD Farms Trucking

We pick up local discarded food and processing residuals and deliver them to our sister company, Frank Konyn Dairy to be used as cattle feed. Last year we picked up over 18,000 tons of the following:

  1. Spent brewery grains from 18 local breweries
  2. Vegetable and fruit pulp from three local juice manufacturers
  3. Discarded bakery products from 12 local bakeries, bread factories, and tortilla shops

We also deliver a variety of high quality mulches, composts, barks and specialty soils to landscapers in San Diego County and throughout Southern California for our other sister company, San Pasqual Valley Soils.

Certified Recyclable Material Collectors (CRMCs) are mid-scale recyclers that have been certified by the City of San Diego to ensure collection vehicles and
containers are properly maintained, and acceptable recyclable materials are collected and reported to the City. According to the City’s Recycling Ordinance, all
businesses and privately-serviced residences are required to have recycling, organic waste recycling and trash collection from one Franchise Hauler. In addition to
the required services from a Franchise Hauler, a business or privately-serviced residence may supplement recycling and/or organic waste recycling service from
one of the following optional CRMCs. The City does not assign haulers or set service rates for businesses and privately-serviced residences.


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