San Diego Fix-It Clinic
Register for an upcoming, free Fix-It Clinic here.
Peter Mui, from the Bay Area started this idea of Fixit Clinics because the biggest items that are disposed of right now are electronic devices and textiles that needed a simple repair/mend but it is so much easier to toss and buy than to try to fix. By creating what he likes to describe as do-it-together disassembly at local libraries and/or Makerspaces he brought together the community of trades people to share their skills with their fellow neighbors on how to troubleshoot and repair their appliances, clothes, electronics (the list can be endless) at these hands on clinics. This program has been adopted throughout the country and has received overwhelming support in every community.
For more information about Peter Mui’s Fixit Clinics go to
If you have any old tools you don’t need, please bring them to the next SD Fixit Clinic and/or email us at to arrange drop-off locations.