Services are reserved to Unincorporated San Diego County residents who are 65+ years old or home-bound only.
Household hazardous waste and electronic waste is accepted.
-Pick up is scheduled by appointment only. Please call 1-877-R-1-EARTH or 1-877-713-2784 to make a request.
Hours of operation:
-Call Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 1PM to request an appointment.
Maximum Transportation Limits:
-15 gallons of liquid or 125 pounds total volume of hazardous waste. Televisions and monitors no bigger than 70″.
Handling instruction:
-Leave products in the existing container, if possible.
-Make sure lids are on tight so containers will not leak.
-Fiberglass must be double-bagged with no air in the bags (so they are less likely to rip) and have a total weight of no more than 125 pounds.
–Railroad ties are accepted but must be cut down into 4 feet in length maximum.
Other requirements:
-Before calling please make a brief inventory of the items to be picked up, including the number of containers, how much material is in them (gallons or pounds), and the condition of items. A pickup will not be officially scheduled until inventory is complete.
The County has access to two permanent HHW collection facilities to accept HHW from unincorporated County residents. The locations are:
Ramona 324 Maple Street, Ramona, 92065 (Ramona Disposal Transfer Station)Appointments Required call (877) 713-2784 for an appointment or click for our online appointment scheduler Appointments available 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. |
El Cajon
925 O’Connor St, El Cajon, 92020 (Waste Management Transfer Station) Appointments available Saturdays from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. |